Highest Quality Camera for Mountain Photography Backcountry Outdoors

Kim and I recently purchased new cameras for hiking.  This investment was needed to replace gear that had been beat up, rained on and well used; during our backpacking trips into the Olympic Mountains.  The climate in the pacific northwest really take its toll on photography equipment.  Without cameras, there would be no content for this website!

Camera Gear for the Olympic Mountains

Almost a year of saving was necessary, because of the cost of quality camera equipment is quite an expenditure. Lens, filters and tripods are all needed to capture an image.  All these items really put a dent in your wallet.

After doing research for a few months.   We decided on the Fujifilm X-T1 for our photography.  It will be a weight increase in our backpacks, but with superb image quality; figured it would be worth the penalty.

Disclaimer: Article contains affiliate links.

Fuji camera
FujiFilm X-T1 Mirrorless Camera

We also purchase a telephoto lens for wildflowers and animals. Then another wide angle lens for landscape photography. Adding those with the kit lens that the Fuji comes us, gives us a dynamic range of options for compositions styles. This will be stacked with the Lee Filter Seven5 filter system and with lens adapter ring.

Beargrass Flower

Putting the Camera Equipment to Good Use

After checking the weather, we set off into the Olympic Mountains to test our gear, on a quick overnight trip into the backcountry. This would also be a training hike for future adventures this summer. This hike has over 5,000 of elevation ascent to work the legs.

We packed out backpacks with gear and then headed out the door. Our goals were to get some cardiovascular exercise and reach the top by sunset, to enjoy dinner with a view. This steep trail, would surely test out legs.

Mount Olympus
Mount Olympus - Spring 2015

Mountain photographer

My love

Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja)

Final Thoughts

I look forward to future long hikes in the Olympic Mountains this year. The record low snowpack has opened up the high country early! A hiker can already do most routes and trails that they would do in September. Get out there!

Updated by Barefoot Jake in 2025