Best Tides, Weather Forecast, Maps (Olympic Mountains) and Avalanche Safety Outdoors 2025

  The Olympic National Park is far to beautiful to stay away during the winter months.   It's important to learn the skills needed, in order to have a successful and positive adventure.  Use common sense to avoid hazardous conditions or a place that might put you at risk. It's best to do your research at home before heading outdoors!

  I've always found weather patterns fascinating.  Wanted to be a meteorologist when I was a kid.  Let me share with you some online resources that I used in trip planning and preparation aid.  This time of year can be very unpredictable around the Olympic Peninsula.  Technology is not always our friend this day and age, but it helps you be more prepared; then I'm all for it.

  Tips:  Cotton kills, fleece and wool are king. Leave your down jacket at home. 

Mount Townsend Olympic
Hiking group descends back into the clouds

Pre-Trip Hiking Planning

Current Mountain Conditions Online

Mount Townsend Olympic
Even tho the temperature was above freezing, the windchill was not; causing this plant to hold ice

These are online tools I use before planning a backpacking trip into the Olympic National Park. I hope you enjoyed them and hope they work out as your future planning resources.

Updated by Barefoot Jake in 2025