Top 3 Outdoor Gear (Wet and Cold) for PNW Hiking 2025

Hiking in the Pacific Northwest can be quite challenging at times.  The weather can change rapidly here in Washington State, so a hiker must always be prepared for adverse conditions. Rain is the main thing that this area is known for. These are 3 essitials for the outdoors!

Hiking in the Pacific Northwest

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links to help finance this website. I have used these products for years and continue to do so.

1: Staying Hydrated in the Mountains

I found that the Sawyer Squeeze Water Filter {affiliate link} is the best on the market. It is the simplest way to filter water without adding any chemicals or worrying about tubes and pumps. It is so easy and lightweight that I will bring it on day hikes as backup or if I see a stream of crisp, refreshing water I'd like to take a sip of I just dunk my water bottle in, screw on the filter and drink out of it like a normal bottle. It also makes a practical gift for family and friends. Even non-hikers should have an easy water filtration system for emergency use! Read my detailed hydration product review.

2: Keep Dry in the Rain Forest

Using a Liteflex Hiking Umbrella {affiliate link} is the only way to go. Yeah, yeah, yeah I know that most Washingtonians are super "anti-umbrella" but hear me out because I know what I'm talking about and am a very practical person! It is very important to keep warm and dry in the backcountry. Not only for safety, but it plays a huge role on the psychological aspect of hiking. I found that using an umbrella in the Pacific Northwest is the best way to do that. Perhaps in windy urban areas a waterproof jacket is more reasonable, but unless you have a deathwish you shouldn't be hiking around in a windy forest here. Also hiking in a rain jacket quickly makes you wet and sweaty anyways. I prefer to be safe and sound under an umbrella, without rain splashing and bouncing around all over me, and giving my skin and layers room to breathe. Also an umbrella is a staple for summer backpacking in the alpine where it provides skin protection from the sun, cooler temperatures, and saves how much water I have to drink. Do I have to go on about how awesome hiking umbrellas are? Read more detail about hiking with an umbrella.

3: Don't Let the Bugs Carry You Away!

The Sea to Summit Head Net {affiliate link} keeps mosquitos out! Additionally, it compresses for storage very small and is ultralight. If there are mosquitoes buzzing around my face and ears I can't even enjoy where I am. I have used it for years and it is yet to let me down. Read an article about using cheap rain gear and bugnet for extra protection.

Can't get enough? Browse more outdoor gear articles.

Updated by Barefoot Jake in 2025