Check out my suggested list of gear used for hiking around the Olympic Peninsula. Variations to adventure can be cycling, hiking, fishing, mushrooming or photography. There are a lot of variables to building the your perfect list; including season, weather forecast and/or trip goals. Consider starting with a base list and then customize it to your needs. This is awesome hiking gear for your next adventure in the rainy pacific northwest.
Be sure to choose a daypack that is simple, has side water bottle pockets and comfortable shoulder straps. Most importantly, get out there and have fun!
Last updated in 2025 by Barefoot Jake
Ten Essentials & Suggestions
- Navigation - Compass
- Sun and rain protection - Umbrella
- Illumination - Headlamp
- First-aid - Kit
- Fire - Lighter + Matches + Starter Fuel
- Tools - Knife
- Extra Food - Candy bars, ect.
- Hydration - Filter attached to large recycled water bottle
Be sure to choose a daypack that is simple, has side water bottle pockets and comfortable shoulder straps. Most importantly, get out there and have fun!
Last updated in 2025 by Barefoot Jake