Barefoot Walk On Mount Olympus (Photojournal) Hiking Olympic National Park Outdoors

Because of conditions, this area was full of tough decisions. The temperature range in the last 48 hours didn’t come close to the freezing mark. A mountain climber needs the ice to be firm to lessen the risk of breaking through a crevasse and rockfall. Do I keep pushing forward or go with my gut?

West Peak Olympus
Looking toward Five Fingers (no pun) and West Peak (center & right) as a pair of roped up skiers traverse the mountain. It was a warm day on Snow Dome. I started to ascend toward Crystal Pass and a chunk of ice the size of a bus fell off the glacier to my left. Decided at that point I had enough. Climbing to the top was not worth it. Turning around I took a break back on Snow Dome for a photo session.   

West Peak Olympus
1 of 2 panoramics on Snow Dome.
Mount Olympus Panoramic
2 of 2 panoramics on Snow Dome.  Great view!
Mount Angeles
Mount Angeles from Olympus (back). 
Mount Pulitzer
Mount Pulitzer & basin from Olympus.  Also known as Lone Tree Pass on the Bailey Range Traverse (front). 
Stephen Peak
Stephen Peak from Olympus. Red line indicates the route that, in my opinion, is the crux of this section of the Bailey Range Traverse. Its key that you pick up a well used game trail at the direct corner of this slide/meadow area. If not, you will find yourself in all the gullies under Stephen which IS NOT FUN. Drop down to Cream Lake too soon and you will hate life. I've read old trip reports of backpackers spending three days in this area. Do your research and talk to the locals - it could save you half to multiple days wasted while navigating.
Mount Olympus
Ice. I made good time coming off the mountain. Lots of standing glissades and plunge stepping. Time to have a hot dinner and eat some salt - being in the sun all day kicks your butt.
Glacier Meadows
Laundry time at Glacier Meadows. My style="text-decoration: none;">Rail Riders shirt is very durable for this lifestyle. My bag was in poor shape in this photo, I have since given it care. Take care of your sleeping bags folks!
Trail Designs Caldera Cone
Dinner with my Trail Designs caldera cone stove.  Any guesses what's in it?
Mount Olympus
After dinner I wandered back up to the Lateral Moraine for some reflection during evening light. This is East Peak.
Mount Olympus
Looking back up toward West Peak (right). 
Mount Mathias
Mount Mathias & Glacier Pass. 
Blue Glacier
Blue Glacier. 

Part of the 'Walking through the Seasons' Trail Series

My thoughts go out to the climber that lost his life on Olympus a week or so after I came off the mountain.  

Updated by Barefoot Jake in 2025